In English

YTTRANDEFRIHETSPODDEN #25 - Kan man vara opartisk?

YTTRANDEFRIHETSPODDEN #25 - Kan man vara opartisk?

Public service får ofta kritik från höger för att vara allt för vänstervridet, och från vänster för att släppa fram högerextrema åsikter. Andra kritiker menar att journalistiken allt för ofta presenterar för- och emot-argument, även när det handlar om uppenbara sakfel eller fritt flygande åsikter. Är det så? Och hur resonerar public service kring sin roll som opartisk granskare?

This year's Tucholsky Prize winner comes to Sweden

This year's Tucholsky Prize winner comes to Sweden

The Tucholsky Prize for 2021 is awarded to the Belarusian poet Dmitry Strotsev. The prize is awarded by Swedish PEN on the Day of the Imprisoned Writer, which is on the 15th of November. The motivation for the prize reads:

»for his courage and his distinctive ability to give artistic form to the Belarusian people’s uprising. Strotsev is the creator of a poetics of the moment, who has become a symbol of the unrelenting poets of the revolution«

On October 21 in 2020, Strotsev was sentenced to thirteen days in prison for his attendance in an illicit demonstration. The well-known poet had regularly participated in the peaceful protests after the presidential election on the 9th of August 2020 and continuously described his perspective of the events. Each day he wrote one poem in opposition to the regime which was widely shared on social media and translated to a dozen languages. Strotsev was subsequently released from the notorious Okrestina Detention Centre.

Svenska PEN och 38 civila samhällsorganisationer beklagar beslutet att blockera Özgürüz

Svenska PEN och 38 civila samhällsorganisationer beklagar beslutet att blockera Özgürüz

Svenska PEN och 38 organisationer, inklusive PEN International, beklagar beslutet av en turkisk domstol att förbjuda åtkomst till den tyskbaserade online-radiostationen Özgürüz ('We Are Free'), som leds av Can Dündar. Vi uppmanar de turkiska myndigheterna att vända beslutet, stoppa trakasserierna mot Dündar och reformera landets lagar och rättsliga praxis så att internetfrihet kan garanteras.